Entities and associations
In Benifallet there are several associations and entities that enrich the municipality and organize various activities for the whole population.
- “Jota de Benifallet Association”
- “Benifallet's Dones Meravelles Association”
- “Pi Verd Hunters Association”
- “Benifallet Youth Association”
- “Association of People Affected by the Black Fly” - afectatsmoscanegra@gmail.com
- “Associació Fent Sendera de Benifallet” - info@lopastisset.com
- “Catalan National Association (ANC)”- azupovill@gmail.com
- “Delegation of the League Against Cancer” - mlleixa2@xtec.cat
- "Futsal Benifallet" - axme29@gmail.com
- "Association of Mothers and Fathers of Students" A.M.P.A