
12/01/2021 Subvencions
The Diputació de Tarragona has granted the Benifallet City Council a subsidy of € 2,248.31 for the Improvement of Municipal Spaces - Subsidies of a singular and extraordinary nature, year 2017.

12/01/2021 Actualitat
The cuisine of the mussel stars from October 25 to November 17 the XV Gastronomic Days of Benifallet.

The Provincial Council of Tarragona has granted the City of Benifallet a grant of 2,010.59 euros for the Medical Office - Call 2018.

The Baix Ebre County Council has granted Benifallet City Council a subsidy of 8,677.15 euros for the arrangement and improvement of the Camí del Figueral and the Camí de Mollet. Annuality 2019.

12/01/2021 Subvencions
The Diputació de Tarragona has granted the Benifallet City Council a subsidy of € 7,000.00 for Loan Interest. Call 2019.
12/01/2021 Subvencions
The Generalitat de Catalunya has granted the City Council of Benifallet a subsidy of € 39,708.48 for the acquisition of the building of the SAT-Subvencions revitalization territorial years 2018 and 2019.
12/01/2021 Subvencions
The Generalitat de Catalunya has granted Benifallet City Council a subsidy of 1,500.00 euros for the acquisition of books and newspapers for the libraries of the Public Reading System.
12/01/2021 Subvencions
The Generalitat de Catalunya has granted Benifallet City Council a subsidy of € 3,360.00 for the project "40 years of Democratic City Councils in Benifallet". Call 2019.

12/01/2021 Subvencions
The Diputació de Tarragona has granted the Benifallet City Council a subsidy of € 3,800 for the repair of public lighting.
12/01/2021 Actualitat
PRESS RELEASE On February 26, the city council formalized the purcharse of the 900-square-meter building The mayoress of Benifallet, Mercè Pedret, acoompanied by councilor Antonio Llèsera and councilor Lourdes Doliu, have reported this afternoon on all the details of the City Council's acquisition...