
11/01/2021 Actualitat
The Coves Meravelles of Benifallet will open next Saturday to the public after closing their doors on March 14 due to the health crisis caused by the Covid-19. The touristic area will resume its activity with a series of security measures for both visitors and tourism staff.

16/12/2020 Actualitat
The City Council announces that the Municipal Swimming Pools will open this Sunday 5 July. The situation arising from the health crisis of the Covid-19 forces this year to make changes in this service so the City Council is grateful for the collaboration to make this space a safe area this summer.

El Llagut farà sortides a les 11, 12,30, 16.30 i 18 hores amb un aforament limitat a 20 persones per cada viatge.

Benifallet City Council and the Festival Committee inform the public that due to the health crisis of Covid-19 the 2020 Festival is suspended.

The mayor, Mercè Pedret, describes the current situation as shameful and explains that the people of the villages can no longer stand it.
The City Council of Benifallet, has adopted the agreement to take into consideration and submit to public information the file for the establishment of the Day Center service.
The Plenary Session of the Corporation was approved on July 10, 2020 and the final text is transcribed once submitted to public consultation in accordance with art. 133 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure, without any claim having been submitted. "FISCAL ORDINANCE...

The Plenary Session of the Corporation, in its ordinary session on July 10, 2020, approved, and the final text is transcribed, once submitted to public consultation in accordance with art. 133 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure, without any claim having been...

Benifallet City Council satisfactorily assesses the screening of the Covid-19 done in the Covid-19 done in the village and celebrates the discharges given in the last hours, but calls not to lower the guard. The Caves of Wonders and the Llagut Benifallet, which had closed as a precaution, return to...