Les Coves and Llagut de Benifallet have more than 30,000 visitors, 42% more than in 2015
Les Coves and Llagut de Benifallet have more than 30,000 visitors, 42% more than in 2015
The tourist year in Benifallet has been highly positive and closes with an increase of 42.36% if visits compared to last year with a total of 32,167 entries for 22,595 last year. 23,738 people passed through the Caves of WOnders, compared to 18,445 in 2015. El Llagut, the boat that sails the Ebro, has made a grat quantitative leap, as it has doubled the numver of passengers: from 4,150 in 2015 to 8,429 in 2016.
As for the origin of the visitors, most come from Catalonia and, secondly, from the rest of Spain. The presence of tourists from France and, to a lesser extent, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, Russia and Italy has also been sensitive.
Now, the Caves of Wonders will take a well-deserved break until January 13 when they will reopen again after work is done to improve their environment. In addition, this year we wanted to bet on the closure of the cavities for a month as a measures of geological maintenance of their formations. As for the Llagut, it will sail again for Easter.